Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp

6 months of support Spolu s produktem získáte podporu během 6 měsíců od autora. Chcete-li se dozvědět více podrobností, přečtěte si pravidla podpory.

shoppingBag Prodej: 40

Přidat do sbírky

Created: 3. 4. 2017

Updated: 3. 4. 2017

ID: 62228

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

500k položek | Komerční použití License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Podpěra Přidejte se a stáhněte si tuto položku  Zdarma
Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 1Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 2Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 3Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 4Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 5Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 6Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 7Úsměv - Joomla šablona Summer Camp - Features Image 8

2 Reviews for this product

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one of the nicer templates I found very aesthetic and also friendly for mobile devices
The template is phenomenal. Easy to use ,beautiful design and the customer really liked how it turned out. Needed some things be overridden and couldn't find how on my own ,so i contacted the support and they provided me fast with the right solution to my problem. Many of the things of the original quickstart composition fitted my customer very well (like menus, styles etc.) so it was really easy and fast to set the whole thing. 10/10 I recomend this template.

0 Comments for this product

O autorovi

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Související témata:

Rodina a domácnost, Rodina, Letní tábor, Děti

Bootstrap Version:


Gallery Script:

Joomla! Compatibility:

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:
