Handyman Services Joomla Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 44

Created: Nov 6, 2014

Updated: Nov 6, 2014

ID: 52099

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Many homeowners prefer to leave both major and minor repairs to professionals. If you are enthusiastic about providing handyman services, this template will be a good starting point to build customer base. Due to abundance of bright yellow in its design, visitors of your website will expect the most favorable outcomes of your work, which will give them impetus to deal with your company. Using a handy slider, youll be able to inform individuals of your services and complement your words with visual proof. You can also show off some positive comments of your customers to substantiate your claims and arouse viewers' sense of credibility. To let the audience easily find your location, theres a convenient map built in the footer. This theme will catch fancy of every homeowner eager to keep their properties in decent conditions.

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This is aBootstrap Joomla design

What is it?

Bootstrap is a front-end framework for making websites and web-apps.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap helps to build better websites quicker and much easier.

Find more Bootstrap Joomla design themes here

This is aParallax Joomla design template

What is it?

Parallax effect is a method in website design in which the background page content shifts slower than the foreground.

Why is it Good?

Parallax help your visitors correspond with your web page and make significantly better client experience. It will help you to be noticeable among your opponents.

Fresh Parallax Joomla design themes here

This Joomla template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

SEO Ready is the type of web design that enables the search engine to crawl and index its pages.

Why is it Good?

With a SEO-friendly digital product, you'll get the base to produce a noteworthy cyberspace project that will be easy-to-find with the standard key phrases search. Also, you may make your web business rank higher in search results, so making it much more likely that end users will visit your website.

Find fresh Search Engine Friendly Joomla themes here

This Joomla design theme is Responsive

What is it?

This is the ability of the page layout to transform depending on the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design can help your webpage look equally well on display screen of any kind of laptop or handheld gadget.

Find latest Responsive Joomla templates here


September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;

1 Reviews for this product

This is a nice template, but does require some technical knowledge in order to get it installed and configured. You must already have Joomla on your hosting server or know how to install it in order for this template to work. In addition, you need to follow the template instructions to the letter and load the remaining modules and templates in Joomla or the template will not load properly. If you are not comfortable doing this, then I recommend you purchase the installation service.

1 Comments for this product

How easy is this for the lay man, non web designer to alter and adapt and modify?
Tempate sucks....no support....and it's not sraight forward in using.....been ttrying to get a refund because I gave up trying to use it.....going on def ears.....still waiting for refund 6 months + later.....go elsewhere and save yourself the hastle...M

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Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
